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ShareForce is dedicated to keeping up with the ever-expanding share and cash incentive plan industry landscape, prioritising continuous learning and helping to foster collaborative engagement.
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ShareForce’s Compliance with SOC 2

We take data security seriously at ShareForce. As a trusted Software as a Service (SaaS) provider for incentive plan management,

Equity & Employee Engagement: Why Your Employees Need Their Own Portal

Ultimately employees who feel valued are more motivated. So, it’s no surprise that the power of employee ownership is key

Enhanced Participant Experience service by Shareforce

Exploring Employees’ Digital Footprint and What Role the Metaverse Will Play in SaaS Platforms

Fostering your employees’ digital footprint has never been easier. Constantly being surrounded by technology has significantly influenced how we as

Technology making Lives More Productive

Technology’s Role In Making Working Lives More Productive And Fulfilling

“Technology brings opportunities for efficiencies and cost management, but it also brings the opportunity to make working lives more productive

Performance criteria in variable remuneration

The Importance Of Strategic Or Non-financial Performance Criteria In Variable Remuneration

Traditionally companies have been focused on achieving their financial targets but have, to some extent, ignored the importance of their

Technology’s Role In Automating The Accounting Of Share-Based Payments

Share Incentive plans can be powerful tools for companies to align the interests of their employees with the interests of

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