Plan Flexibility

Design, test
and create.

Design and test almost any equity, phantom, or cash-based incentive plan, from basic retention awards to a wide variety of complex performance-driven plans across the reward ecosystem. Formulate plans to suit your incentive strategy, whether your company is listed or privately owned.
plan flexibility service by Shareforce

Global Plans

Broad-based all-employee plans

Performance and conditional share awards

Forfeitable share plans

Long and short-term incentives

Restricted equity funds

Deferred bonus plans

Share options

Share purchase plans (ESPP)

Restricted share units

Share appreciation rights

Phantom share plans

Fund-linked plans

Cash plans

Save as you Earn (SAYE)

Share incentive plans (SIP)

Deferred units

Types of performance conditions

employee incentives graphic
shareprice graph icon

Share price and peer total shareholder
return conditions

business performance icon

Corporate performance targets and hurdles

business objectives flag

Corporate objectives

employee performance targets icon

Employee specific targets

employee retention icon

Retention conditions


active environment icon
Test or active environments
performance hurdle management icon
Performance hurdle management
list fund icon
Listed or unlisted underlying equities or funds
employee performance tracking icon
Real-time performance tracking
vesting icon
Graduated, linear, stepped or binary vesting profiles
Simplify complexities

Complexities, minus the confusion

It can be challenging to understand equity compensation – even for the best of us. ShareForce handles various plan types and complexities that are most appropriate for your business.

Easy setup

ShareForce asks pertinent questions to guide you through the setup process, including creating performance criteria ranging from market conditions to strategic goals.
Easy setup
A multitude of plans

A multitude of plans

ShareForce is fully scalable for thousands of participants with multiple plans. We handle the most complex of plans including multi-tranche, multi-conditional, multi-currency, and multi-country awards.

Let’s chat about your plans

If you would like to know more about our solutions, please submit an enquiry. One of our staff will call you to discuss your requirements in more detail and set up a meeting at your convenience.
employee incentive plan management graphic


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